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Breakthrough to the next level

Your very own personal productivity partner to help you transition to the next chapter of your career or life.

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Your brain is the key.

Whether you’re drowning in emails, straining under the weight of your to-do list, constantly putting out fires, or simply know deep down that you’re capable of more, investing in improving your productivity will pay big dividends for your career and life.

Yet with the internet saturated by opinionated blog posts, unvalidated productivity hacks and self proclaimed experts who seem more preoccupied with pushing their personal OCD system instead of uncovering the truth about what works, it can be daunting to know where to begin.

If we strip away all the apps, lists and hacks, we get to your brain trying to make an optimal decision about what to do next, and then, attempting to advance that task.

Your productivity system, in essence, is simply a tool to help you make better decisions—to help you filter the infinite possibilities and stimuli vying for your attention, and make meaningful progress towards your goals.

That’s why at Kognitive, instead of starting with the new shiny productivity gadget, tech or methodology, we start with how your brain makes decisions, forms habits and focuses.

We call this our InsideOut approach.

Kognitive’s InsideOut approach.

Over the past decade, neuroscience has learned more about the brain than the previous century. Our personal productivity programs allow you to take advantage of this research, helping you better understand the brain and how it works.

Kognitive’s InsideOut approach starts by helping you understand how your cognitive capabilities affect your decisions, actions, and focus. It then explores your personality type and personal preferences, and finally builds your productivity tools and processes around this core.

With the InsideOut approach we’re able to help you build a more effective personalised productivity system which feels natural and organic to you.

Kognitive's InsideOut coaching model
Kognitive founders discussing productivity in open plan meeting room.
“I would highly recommend Kognitive to anybody looking to improve productivity and regain some time, clarity and control. They have a very insightful and engaging approach to teaching fundamental tools for the 21st century manager. The impact on my performance and wellbeing (both short and long term) has been nothing short of impressive.”
Kognitive coaching client headshot

Anthony Black

Risk Manager

Evaluate if Kognitive’s productivity coaching program could help you start the next chapter of your work and life.

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Areas we help you improve.


Refine your personal productivity system

Your personal productivity system is the keystone to bringing you success and balance in both work and life. We’ll help you build a reliable system which helps you make better decisions. A system that cuts through the overwhelm and provides you with a clear picture of where you are going and the action you need to take to get there. A system that keeps your priorities front and centre, ensures nothing slips through the cracks, and gives you unprecedented clarity, control and calm.


Optimise your email

With most of us spending about a third of our week in the inbox, the way we manage email has a big impact on our productivity, not to mention our mental state. We’ll dive deep into the brain’s relationship with email and demonstrate how to transform it from an enemy of deep focus to a productive and useful tool that works on your terms. With an approach tailored to your preferences and personality we’ll help you get to the infamous inbox zero, shave many hours off email management each week and transform your inbox from an overloaded avalanche of information into an optimised flow of priorities and focus.


Become more agile, adaptive and proactive

Reactive firefighting has become the new norm and it is preventing us from fulfilling our potential. By exploring the cognitive drivers of reactivity, prioritisation and agility, we’ll help you build more proactive processes, enabling you to get ahead of the fires and iterate to success faster and with less stress.


Overcome procrastination

Procrastination is deeply rooted in the human psyche, and for very good reason. We’ll help you understand where procrastination originates from in the brain and how you can use it to your advantage to accelerate your progress towards achieving your goals.


Maximise focus and mental wellbeing

Focus is the catalyst for our best work, but in an always-on world it can be the hardest thing in the world to achieve. By deepening your understanding of the brain’s attention system, we’ll help you craft an environment which fuels focus instead of fracturing it. We’ll delve into the cognitive operating system of focus to help you improve your attention span, reduce mental distractions, leverage concentration cycles, improve resilience, wellbeing and more.


Find flow

Flow is the optimum state of cognitive performance. Executives who frequently find flow have been documented to increase their productivity by 500%—that’s the equivalent of completing five days of work in one. We’ll dive into the triggers of flow state to build work routines which help you find more flow in your day and truly transform your productivity and performance.


Sleep, move and eat your way to higher performance

How we sleep, move and eat affects our brain health and mental performance. However, recent studies have alarmingly shown that many of our daily habits are hurting our brain and have us trapped far from our cognitive potential. We’ll examine the science behind how sleep, movement and food impact cognitive performance and health. Armed with this deeper understanding, we’ll help embed keystone habits which ensure your neurons, performance and wellbeing are in peak shape and stay that way for years to come.


Break through mental barriers

Whether we are aware of it or not, our beliefs limit our capabilities. We’ll help you identify, assess and craft the mindsets, mental models and tools you need to break through the mental barriers which have been keeping you from realising your full potential.


Improve emotional intelligence and control

We all aim to be the most rational decision-makers we can be, but just as biases impair our judgement, so too do our emotions. Recent neuroscientific research has revealed just how deep this influence can reach. We’ll help you navigate this research and better understand our emotional needs so you can work with them—not against—them. By deepening your understanding and control of your emotions, we’ll help you increase your emotional intelligence, self control and influence over others.


Get the best from your team

The journey towards greater productivity doesn’t end with you. We help you amplify the results throughout your organisation by embedding productivity behaviours, tools and processes amongst your team. We help you optimise the mechanics of leadership and leverage the latest science about core human motivators to inspire the team to greater performance and productivity.

Keen to get started? Book a discovery call or take our Personal Productivity Health Check (PHC) to evaluate if this pathway makes sense for you.

Structured for success.

How we help you break through barriers and transform your productivity, performance and wellbeing.


Identify challenges and goals

We all passively form habits in the course of our work and life—some beneficial, some time-consuming and detrimental. We begin by taking a hard look at your existing habits, processes and tools, figuring out what’s enabling your best work and what’s impeding it.


Learn about your brain

Next we examine the cognitive building blocks that determine your thoughts, actions, and ways of working. Through interactive exercises and engaging brain games, we explore the cognitive functions and mindsets that enhance or limit your day-to-day effectiveness. 


Implement & iterate

From that foundation, we co-develop strategies, processes and tools that move you closer to your goals. We fine tune as we go to ensure the perfect fit for your lifestyle, personality and preferred way of working.


Consolidate behaviours

We help build these new tools into your life, taking them off the page and making them a part of your daily routines. Through cognitive psychology we consolidate key behaviours, helping you stay on track and successful in the long term.

Built by brain, productivity and psychology experts

Our personal productivity programs have been built from the ground up by our founders, Dr. Patricia Martos, a neuropsychologist with a PhD in cognitive neuroscience and Ethan Glessich, a seasoned management consultant and productivity expert. They deliver the perfect blend of theory, practice and pragmatic tools. Learn more about Kognitive and the team.

Let’s get started

We move at a speed and frequency that makes sense for you, blending face-to-face, online, phone and tools to help you break through. Take your first step now.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Who is Kognitive’s coaching program for?

Who is Kognitive’s coaching program for?

This program is for C-suite executives or aspiring C-Suite executives who are looking to further their career, improve work life balance, decrease stress or improve clarity and control over work and life.

I’m already productive, will Kognitive’s coaching program still be helpful?

I’m already productive, will Kognitive’s coaching program still be helpful?

Most people we work with are high-achievers who have climbed to the top of the corporate ladder; you don’t do this without having a good level of productivity. Or maybe your climb to the top has been at the expense of other important things in your life, such as health, family and friends, passions, etc. This program is about going from good–to–great, and doing it without costing you your personal life. We work on niche challenges and opportunities to improve what makes most sense for you.

How does this differ from an on-demand productivity training program?

How does this differ from an on-demand productivity training program?

This program is customised to meet your specific needs. You work directly with a Kognitive coach who provides you with tailored 1-on-1 support. This is not a self learning program. You will partner with a Kognitive coach who will hold you accountable and provide you with strategic support to help you break through to the next level.

Are you able to deliver productivity coaching online?

Are you able to deliver productivity coaching online?

Yes, we’ve worked with people all around the globe, from Portugal to Perth. All you need is a good internet connection, webcam and the drive to build a better future.

Why do I have to complete a Productivity Review first?

Why do I have to complete a Productivity Review first?

Before improving productivity you need to identify the most important areas to focus on. The Productivity Review provides you with this critical insight. It also confirms if there is a match between the types of challenges you are facing and the outcomes we are able to achieve. If there’s a match, we’ll present you with a few options on how you can proceed. If there isn’t a match, we’ll tell you upfront. You’ll leave with improved clarity about the areas which are most relevant for you to focus on, which will make your subsequent search much easier and more efficient.

How much time will I need to invest?

How much time will I need to invest?

The amount of time you will need to invest will depend on what you want to achieve and how intensely you would like to work towards it. We have options which range from a few hours per month to a few hours per week.

How long does it take before I start to see measurable results?

How long does it take before I start to see measurable results?

The time it takes to start to see results depends on the program structure and intensity you choose, but most people start to see measurable improvements after one to two months.

Have another question? Send us an email

Your productivity system should adapt to suit you, not the other way round