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Upskill execution and productivity capabilities

Experiential training which delivers insights, tools and ongoing support to help new ideas flourish and productive behaviours stick.

Kognitive founder in front of workshop audience.

It starts and ends with your brain

Time management is broken. Productivity apps that decrease productivity. Gurus who try to force their particular flavour of OCD onto everybody else. Methodologies developed 20 years ago for businesses founded 50 years ago. All the while you’re stuck with the same outdated models, the same half-implemented strategies. Enough!

There’s a better way to build a brighter future, and it starts with your brain.Your brain is behind every thought, every action and every strategy put into practice at work, by you and your team.

A better understanding of the brain—how it processes information, forms plans, decides on courses of action, prioritises those actions and stays focused—is fundamental to making improvements which stick, which work, which actually transform your company.

These workshops splice the latest discoveries in cognitive science with interactive ‘brain-games’ and pragmatic ‘hands-on’ strategies which equip and inspire your team to make a real difference in productivity, performance and wellbeing.

“Our staff consistently report that Kognitive’s training program has had an enormously positive impact on both their professional and personal lives.”
Director | Workforce Strategy and Culture
Julie Ann Ashley
Kognitive testimonial client headshot of woman with blonde hair.
Workshop Topics

Elevate your team to unprecedented productivity


Reclaim your focus with insights from cognitive science

Our jobs demand more concentration, precision and lateral thinking than ever before, but it has become almost impossible to focus at work these days. And it’s only getting worse.

Social media giants now employ armies of engineers, psychologists and scientists aimed at finding new ways of keeping our attention in their apps. Collaboration tools have exploded, unleashing an avalanche of notifications and robbing us of deep focus. As marketers relentless test new ways capturing our concentration and influencing our behaviour, it’s no wonder we end each day feeling overwhelmed, overstimulated and exhausted.

But today, we level the playing field. Today, we strike back. Today, we help you use the same science these corporations have been using against you—the science of focus—to give you unprecedented access to this critical cognitive function to unleash your full potential.

Take a breath and join us on a journey into the intricacies of your brain's focus system. Be ready for a few surprises as we push your attention to its limits, reveal the true capabilities and constraints of concentration, and offer practical brain-based tools that you can apply immediately to transform your focus, your business, and maybe... your entire life.

It’s time to focus on focus.


  • Transform your ability to concentrate and focus.
  • Cultivate a focus-friendly, highly productive work environment.
  • End the multitasking debate with hard science.
  • Deploy new practical tools that facilitate both deep work and improved collaboration.
  • Unlock the full potential of your focus in both your personal and work life.


Leverage neuroscience to master prioritisation and level-up in work and life

Prioritisation is a skill that goes beyond work; it's a crucial life skill that separates the good from the great, the ordinary from the extraordinary, and a life wasted from a life well-lived. It impacts our productivity, success, and fulfilment in all areas of life.

However, it's never been harder to prioritise what matters most. Information overload, ever-changing priorities, and constant distractions force us from pillar to post. To make matters worse, many of the world's most powerful organisations have built teams of engineers, psychologists, and behaviour experts to hack our behaviour, literally, to increase their revenue. But are they helping us achieve our priorities or their priorities?

In this workshop, we make it a fair fight. By exploring the science of prioritisation, you'll discover the cognitive and emotive tricks these organisations have been using against you, and how you can use them to influence your own decisions and actions to ensure you make meaningful progress on what matters most to you. You'll also uncover how to help your team and organisation do the same.

Guaranteed to leave you gobsmacked, this workshop will excite, empower, and equip you to level up at work and life by mastering one of life's most important skills. It will help you sift through the noise and tune into what truly moves the needle.

Don't waste your chance to make a difference in the world; prioritise prioritisation and make time count.


  • Challenge long held belief’s around prioritisation, decision making and behaviour.
  • Tap into a suite of practical tools to immediately improve prioritisation and decision quality.
  • Discover how to ethically hack your behaviour (and the behaviour of others) to ensure you’re set up to follow through with commitment and enthusiasm
  • Become much better equipped to manage high workloads and while staying focused on what matters most.
  • Discover how to overcome procrastination and leave the workshop feeling inspired and equipped to make positive change.


From survive to thrive with adaptive planning

With recent world events turning entire industries upside down, an organisation’s ability to adapt has evolved from being a competitive advantage to being essential for survival. Lucky for us, planning is a core cognitive strength, but in a variety of circumstances, the brain’s standard decision-making process can transform from an asset to a liability. We can all too easily get lost in the detail, overwhelmed by emotion, or derailed by our biases. And as we adapt to the “new normal”, the costs of heading down the wrong path have never been greater.

All of this can be avoided if we build systems which proactively help us make optimal decisions, cultivate agility and keep us on track. Kognitive’s Adapt workshop does just that. Starting with the science of how the brain organically forms and adapts a plan, we uncover where it comes unstuck and how you can refine your tools, processes and systems to ensure you and your team are able to build an agile organisation, adapt to the changing environment and achieve your goals in the shortest possible time.


  • Better understand the core cognitive drivers and shortcomings of the brain’s decision making and planning processes.
  • Discover how to cultivate maximum agility without sacrificing direction.
  • Build more proactive, productive work habits and processes.
  • Unite and align your team.
  • Achieve your goals – faster.


The science of creating a high-performance culture

The most important asset of any organisation is its people. The right staff, making the right decisions, with the right support is a sure path to success. Yet creating an optimal environment, operating rhythm, alignment and accountability for our staff to bring our strategy to life can be illusively complex.

Add challenging world events, remote working and AI to the mix and creating a high-performance team or culture has never been more difficult. If not managed effectively at the best of times, let alone in the aftermath of an international pandemic, we run the risk of doing more harm than good to our organisation’s and staff.

In this insightful workshop, Kognitive’s founder and managing director, Ethan Glessich, will reveal how new discoveries in cognitive science are shining light into how we can build better cultures. Coupled with research into remote working and case studies from organisations who’ve been operating with remote workforce for decades, you’ll leave with new science-backed and proven ways to create a high-performance organisation as we transition to the new normal.


  • Explore the cutting-edge science of how the limitations of our cognitive capabilities complicate strategy execution.
  • Reveal how an awareness of our cognitive strengths and weaknesses can help us craft more effective cultures.
  • Uncover case studies and insights from high-performance organisations who have extensive pre-COVID experience in leading remote teams.
  • Deliver 5 practical tools your attendees can apply immediately to start their journey to elevating the performance of their organisation’s culture.
  • Reveal the 7 key domains of Kognitive’s Performance Pyramid and how you can use it to optimise your tools, processes and culture.


Fortify mental resilience and wellbeing with cognitive insights

The mind is a powerful tool, capable of sophisticated planning, prioritisation and creativity. But these thoughts don’t happen in a vacuum. When times are tough, when life is challenging and when the news is bad, the mind can work against us, generating thoughts and emotions we don’t want and interfering with our ability to lead a healthy, happy and productive life. 

There’s often no changing the bad times, but there are ways of changing how we respond to them. Breathe is an enlightening keynote, examining the importance of mental resilience and the scientifically proven ways we can all build it. Kognitive Managing Director, Ethan Glessich, draws on decades of research into cognitive science and his own personal life challenges, to help your audience synthesise the tools they need to build resilience into their day and life.

In light of recent chaotic and stressful events, it has become essential for leaders to prioritise their team’s wellbeing. This keynote is a gift they’ll cherish, one that continues to give even after the presentation. It’s a gift that will help them strengthen their mental resilience, wellbeing and productivity, benefiting all aspects of their professional and personal lives.


  • Give your attendees the tools they need to strengthen their mental resilience.
  • Reveal the latest scientific discoveries of how we can lay the foundation lasting mental wellbeing.
  • Show how small changes can lead to monumental shifts.
  • Help build a more resilient, productive workforce and culture.
  • Inspire your audience to take positive action today.


Customised or custom-built to align with your event’s goals

Do you have an idea for a keynote presentation or workshop but are not sure how to turn it into a reality? Leverage Kognitive’s extensive expertise in building high impact keynote presentations and workshops and have our team build you a presentation to make your next conference one to remember. We’ll conduct research in the science behind your challenge or desired outcome, build interactive activities that deliver key insights, and co-develop practical takeaways with you, that leave a lasting impression on your audience. We can even train your trainers to enable you to roll it out in a cost effective, controlled manner through-out the organisation. If you’ve got a particular idea or message in mind, get in contact and let’s turn it into a reality.

Kognitive founder laughing in front of engaged audience, while squeezing a brain 'stress' ball.

Learning journeys which change behaviours, businesses and lives.

Book Discovery Call


This is without a doubt the best professional development I have ever done.

Director | Portfolio, Programme and Project Office

What an amazing workshop. It was incredibly useful, insightful and empowering to better understand how my brain makes decisions and where it can often fall down. The insights and tools will be incredibly useful in helping us individually and collectively as a team improve the quality of our decisions and productivity.

Chief Information Officer

It was an extremely engaging learning opportunity that helped me to understand the conditions in which I work best and those which are less productive for me. It has also been incredibly useful outside of work for general wellbeing and managing my time more efficiently on my personal projects.

Channel Development Director

It was very insightful and inspiring to learn more about how the human brain works and how it can impact our performance and wellbeing. I found it particularly useful how Ethan helped us use these insights to develop and refine the tools to meet our individual and company specific needs.

Chief Executive Officer

I got so much out of this course. It brought to the foreground the many habits and disruptions I was partially aware of already but had done little to combat. Now I have multiple tools to use to carve out time in my day for deep focus, so I can get through my important tasks.


I can not recommend Ethan and his team enough. They have delivered fresh insights and practical tools which make a real difference. I’ve seen a lot of programs over my career and this a cut above the rest.

Director of Operations

Discovering there are some scientific reasons why my team and I don’t naturally “focus” well in our working environment, and that there are ways to overcome this has been transformational.

Head of Reporting & Analytics

This program helped me better understand myself. I am now more patient with myself, I am more aware. I am happier. It has enabled me to obtain a higher level of control over my work and life.

EA to the Electoral Commissioner

Whilst completing my MBA, Kognitive presented on the topic of maximising focus. Their research-based approach and Ethan’s engaging style sparked my interest. From there I gave him the challenge of pitching the Kognitive approach to a team of mixed background and receptiveness. I am pleased to say Ethan rose to this challenge and has delivered a training program that has significantly improved my team’s capability and morale.

Engineering & Technical Support Manager

Learn more about what Kognitive training could do for your company.

Book Discovery Call

Frequently Asked Questions.

Who are Kognitive’s workshops and training programs for?

Who are Kognitive’s workshops and training programs for?

Our workshops and training programs are for busy, aspiring, ambitious professionals. Our core content is offered in three distinct versions which address the unique needs of specific stakeholders.

  • Leaders – This training equips leaders with the skills they need to not only become more productive, but to build more productive teams and organisations.
  • Teams – This training focuses on developing individuals, and also on improving overall team performance. It is structured for all team members to complete the program together.
  • Cross sectional groups – Our cross-sectional group trainings have been developed to allow individuals from different teams to embark on a shared learning journey. Although they address individual, team and leadership elements, learnings and tools provided are predominantly focused on helping the individual improve productivity, wellbeing and effectiveness.
How does Kognitive’s brain-based productivity training differ from time management training?

How does Kognitive’s brain-based productivity training differ from time management training?

We find time management akin to a dog chasing its tail—you spend a lot of energy going around in circles, and in the end you haven’t gotten very far and are really, really dizzy. 

Instead of focusing on time management, we focus on making better decisions, building better habits and unlocking better focus. We do this by understanding how the brain works, how it makes decisions, how it forms habits, how it concentrates and directs focus and more. 

Building from this foundation we are able to help you create tools which meet your specific needs, preferences and environment. The outcome is often a better use of time, but also a better use of other critical resources such as energy, focus, teams and finance.

How does Kognitive’s training differ from on demand training?

How does Kognitive’s training differ from on demand training?

On demand training sounds great in theory, but often fails in practice. Why? With on demand training there is no spontaneity, no human interaction, no back and forth wrestling with the ideas, content and people. All of the emphasis and motivation falls on you. Information flows unidirectionally and learning, engagement and ROI suffers.

Live training (be it in-person or online) is very different. It allows you to ask questions, encourages conversations and challenges you in real time. It is scheduled. It is social. It is effective.

Your entertainment works well on demand, but for major breakthroughs, we recommend you keep your learning live.

How long are your workshops and training programs?

How long are your workshops and training programs?

We offer half-day, full-day and multi-day workshops. Shorter workshops are available when they form part of a larger training program or upon request. Training programs are learning journeys that span many months and focus on changing behaviour in addition to acquiring new knowledge. Book a discovery call to explore the training length which will best meet your needs.

Are you able to deliver training online?

Are you able to deliver training online?

Yes, we have customised versions of our workshops and programs for online delivery. We use a suite of online tools, breakout rooms and interactive activities to maintain engagement levels, learning and ROI in an online format.

At what locations are you able to deliver training?

At what locations are you able to deliver training?

We are able to deliver workshops and training programs at most locations around the world. Additional fees apply for face-to-face training delivered outside of Melbourne. Some of the locations we have delivered training or keynotes include Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, Perth, Adelaide, Auckland, Christchurch, Barcelona, Madrid, London, Lisbon and Zurich. Training delivered outside of Melbourne, Victoria is subject to COVID travel restrictions.

What is the maximum workshop or training program group size?

What is the maximum workshop or training program group size?

There is no maximum size for the number of attendees for workshops or programs. We are able to accommodate groups of different sizes. Training for larger groups is structured differently to smaller groups and may involve breakout groups, multiple facilitators and other dynamic workshop elements.

Is there a particular group size you recommend?

Is there a particular group size you recommend?

That depends on your goal. For maximum interaction, conversation and engagement we recommend groups of 15 to 25 people. For maximum ROI per person, we recommend larger groups. For addressing niche problems, developing strategies and goals, etc we recommend smaller groups of 5 to 10 people.

Do you provide additional support post workshops?

Do you provide additional support post workshops?

Yes, we have a variety of support services which complement our workshops and can assist in driving long term behaviour change and improving ROI. These services range from group coaching, individual coaching, consulting, forum and chat support and more. Book a discovery call to explore these options in more detail.

If you are looking for longer term learning journeys check out our Maximise Focus Program and our Better Decisions Program.

Are you able to customise your workshops to meet our specific requirements?

Are you able to customise your workshops to meet our specific requirements?

Yes, we offer a variety of customisation options. Book a discovery call to learn about the options and evaluate what makes most sense for your goals and budget.

Are you able to deliver training after hours, on weekends or public holidays?

Are you able to deliver training after hours, on weekends or public holidays?

Yes, we are able to deliver workshops and training programs after hours, on weekends or public holidays. Training delivered outside of business hours incurs additional fees.

Are you able to provide event space and catering?

Are you able to provide event space and catering?

Yes, we are able to provide event spaces and catering options.

What are the fees and training and what is included?

What are the fees and training and what is included?

Our fees for training range from $400 to $4,000 per person depending on duration, location and number of attendees. Our fees are based on a sliding scale with the price per person decreasing for larger groups.

Inclusions vary depending on the package you chose but may include:

  • Pre and post training surveys
  • Content customisation
  • Workbooks and handouts
  • Ongoing coaching, chat and email support
  • Access to VIP online forums
  • Other material and support
  • Travel to and from the event location

Book a discovery call to evaluate fees and options in more detail.

Have another question? Send us an email

With the right mindset and the right toolset, anything is possible