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This video is an extract from our Productivity Video Series. Add your details below to access the full series or click here to learn more about the series.
INTERVIEW: So the executive team have spent an enormous amount of time and energy creating this strategy. And for them, it’s in their DNA because they’ve invested so heavily in it. But the staff in the organisation haven’t had that experience and as a consequence, it’s just not there. So, there’s a major disconnect. And we see a lot of challenges surfacing in the alignment of staff to strategy.
There’s a compelling body of research that suggests one of the simplest ways to improve anything is to simply start to measure it. And your execution is no exception. But the main metric that most businesses used to measure execution is engagement. And engagement surveys can be very misleading.
Imagine an organisation where you could work as little or as much as you wanted, without it affecting your pay. Where there was no accountability whatsoever. What would the engagement score be at that organisation? It would be through the roof right. But let me ask you an important question that engagement scores don’t address, is that a productive organisation?
If only we could get a more accurate and holistic view, we can. It all starts with a performance pyramid. This gives us a lens from which we can dissect execution, and know where we should focus our efforts on improving. And cognitive science can help us dig to the root cause, and develop strategies which hit just the right area. Used together, these tools can help us understand why our strategy might not be sticking in the minds of our employees or identify the best levers to pull to improve the company’s alignment, focus, or productivity. But how do we get the data for each specific area? Well, that depends on your goals.
We’ve developed a suite of diagnostic tools to give you just the right level of clarity to meet your needs. From comprehensive diagnostics, which determine the connection between your execution input and the output of your financial performance, through to survey-based tools, which gives you deeper insight into your culture and productivity by replacing the nebulous engagement survey.
But the fastest and simplest way to identify how to improve your organisation’s productivity is with the Productivity Health Check. Simply complete an online seven-minute survey, and within a few hours, we’ll send you a personalised productivity report, which includes a high level overview of your execution, a snapshot into each of the seven key domains, and clarity around where you might want to consider investigating in a bit more detail.
And because only you complete the survey and receive the results, you get to think through what it means for you and your business before you raise it with other leaders.
For too long execution and productivity have been left off the strategic radar, or worse yet measured with an engagement survey. At Kognitive we're changing that. We make it easy for businesses to measure their execution so they can get on with building a great company and achieving their goals.
It all starts with that first step. Take the productivity health check now for a fast, affordable and private way to test your organisation’s execution. Now, what’s my time count?
How do you know if your organisation’s execution is first rate or if it’s letting you down? How do you know if staff are busy, productive or busy doing the wrong things? How do you know if there are hidden inefficiencies buried in your internal operations which are eating into your profits?
It can be incredibly difficult to measure an organisation’s ability to execute its strategy—so many businesses don’t measure it at all. And that’s a shame, because it often leads to businesses operating far from their potential, or with lower profits, higher stress and disengaged staff.
Kognitive’s Performance Pyramid can help guide and inform your evaluation. It can give you structure and support to get the data you need to focus your efforts on improving just the right areas of your execution.
We’ve built a suite of diagnostic tools around the Performance Pyramid to ensure you can easily measure your organisation’s execution with the resolution that best meet your needs. From comprehensive diagnostics which join the dots between people, processes and profits, to survey based evaluations which help you keep your finger on your culture and productivity pulse.
But the fastest and simplest way to evaluate your organisation’s execution is with the Productivity Health Check. By investing half the time you’ve invested in this video series you’ll get a detailed report giving you a preliminary overview of each area of your organisation’s Performance Pyramid.
Take the Productivity Health Check now and get the data you need to start plotting your course to building a better business and future.
Book a discovery call and have a productivity expert unpack the options and outcomes which are most relevant for your situation and goals.
In the last ten years neuroscientists have learnt more about the human brain than in the last one hundred years. See how leading organisations are using these discoveries to optimise their internal operations and transform their performance. Includes over 17 practical tools you can immediately implement to revolutionise your business and personal productivity.